Bred for Purpose - Bred for Success
We utilize the best dogs available
While we love rescue dogs, we feel that it is better for children and Veterans with Combat PTSD to have a well bred dog with genetics and character that we are familiar with.
As a top quality breeder, we know the importance of good genetics. We still support our local shelter and rescue programs, but rescues are far less reliable as Service Dogs according to several published reports and our own experience. We want to give our clients the very best, and believe a well-bred dog is often a better choice
We are currently purchasing most of our dogs for our placements. Dogs can cost between $1500 - $3500, which is not a surprise to us at all. Many people look for a well-bred dog to have as a pet, while others prefer rescues. It takes something very special to become a Service Dog. In fact, it is said by some that only 1 in 100 dogs can do the job properly. Those numbers change drastically when it comes to a shelter dog.
We know there are some organizations that use only shelter dogs, however, those organizations do not provide dogs to children. We also focus on very specialized training for our combat Veterans. Having a dog that may have issues of its own is wonderful for someone that needs basic tasks, and emotional support. We train at a higher level because our clients both young and old need dogs with this specialized training - and low risk of having issues.
We do have a breeding program in conjunction with Von Herder Haus Kennels. We have bred a line of Labradors that are absolutely next level. They are not only kind and loving, but they are driven to work. They are intelligent and intuitive. We have added to our program by purchasing some lab puppies from a breeder in Georgia.
Our kennel also breeds German Shepherd Dogs. We do not breed specifically for Service Dogs - but we will often have a pup that is suitable. Our next breeding exploration will be with Giant Schnauzers. We are importing them directly from Germany to give us the temperament, health, and overall quality that we demand in our program.
Puppies and Dogs that do not test for Service Dogs or who wash out later in the process are placed as pets with training, to suitable families. We have a successful program of breeding and need to continue to grow it. Your support will help us cut our overall costs and allow us to breed the best of the best for our Service Dogs.